In recent years more children, and even adults have been diagnosed with
either Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD). Recent statistics show 1 in 88 children under the age of 8 are
being diagnosed somewhere oh the Autistic Spectrum, and nearly 1 in 10 children
are receiving an ADHD diagnosis. Both disorders are considered psychosocial
diagnosis affecting behavior and many are seeing a link between the two. A
study at a Massachusetts hospital looked at the behavior patterns of 240 kids
with ADHD and 227 kids that did not have the disorder. Less than 1 % of
non-ADHD kids had high scores for autistic traits, but 18% of kids with ADHD
has scores that indicated that these traits including withdrawal , social, and
thought problems. With both disorders, a genetic connection is suspected and
traits such as problems with anxiety and disruptive behavior are often present.

The Different Faces of ADHD and Autism
Even if two children have the same ADHD or Autistic Spectrum Disorder
diagnosis, the symptoms are behavior concerns can differ greatly between those
two children. Any treatment approach for a child with autism in Las Vegas or a
child with ADHD in Las Vegas needs to be individualized.
An ADHD Snapshot
ADHD diagnosis is divided into three types; , the hyperactive-impulsive
type, the inattentive type and the
combined type. The hyperactive- impulsive type is what most people picture in
their mind when they think of ADHD. Symptoms of hyperactivity in these children
include being fidgety, highly talkative, prefer to be moving , and have trouble
engaging in quiet activities or tasks. Their impulsivity makes it hard to take
turns. They may blurt things out at the wrong time and interrupt activities and
conversations of others.

Those with the inattentive type are easily distracted, have trouble focusing
and miss details. It often seems that they are bored or not listening, unless
they especially enjoy what they are doing. They are prone to lose things, don't
like to follow directions, and often process information slower than other
kids. Daydreaming is also common.

Looking at the Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Autistic children usually start displaying symptoms early in life. Making
eye contact is difficult, babies may become obsessed with a limited number of
objects, and they are less likely to be interested in interactive play or
having "babbling" conversations with parents or caregivers. Symptoms
can also start at age 2-3, and their social and language development may regress.
They might speak in an unusual tone or rhythm and it can sometimes be difficult
to discern their feelings by looking at their facial expressions.

Learning the Best
Most people act to the world around them and approach learning largely on
instinct. For those with ADHD or autism las vegas, blindly following these
instincts can be unproductive, disruptive, and even destructive. By working
with professionals that have a strong understanding of these conditions,
children and adults can often learn to bring order to their lives and make the
most of it.