Lunes, Oktubre 20, 2014

What's Known About Autism Today

Over the years, a great deal of research has been done on autism. Thanks to this research, there is a lot more known about autism than ever before. As a result, doctors are better able to treat people with autism, and the parents of children with autism are able to provide the right level of support. This article will provide a brief summary of what's known about autism at this point in time.

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What is Autism?
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually diagnosed in early childhood. Those with autism often experience trouble communicating with others, maintaining relationships, understanding abstract concepts, and even using language (both in speech and writing).
It's currently estimated that about one in every 50 people across the globe has autism, but the numbers are growing year by year.
The Autism Spectrum
These days, autism is diagnosed on a spectrum that consists of four different developmental disorders. These include Childhood Disintigrative Disorder (CDD), Atypical Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Autistic Disorder.

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What Are the Signs of Autism?
There are many potential signs that parents should be on the lookout for and that may be early symptoms of autism las vegas in children.
One of the earliest potential warning signs is when a child has not begun babbling or pointing by the age of one year. By 16 months, children should also have begun articulating single words and responding to their own names.
Instead, children with autism may rarely speak and may seem withdrawn. They may have a habit of lining up all their toys, fail to respond to their own name, and seem to have little to no communication skills.

It's important to realize that most signs of autism show up in a child's first year of life, and that most cases of autism are diagnosed by a adhd las vegas doctor by the time a child is three to four years old.
Treatment Options
While raising a child with autism can cause a strain on any family, the good news is that there are treatment options for children with autism, just as there are treatment options for those wit ADHD and other disorders in the Las Vegas areas.

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Specific treatment options for autism include educational and behavioral therapy, medications, and even a change in diet.

Overall, there's still a lot to be learned about autism. However, the good news is that researches have come a long way in understanding how to identify the disorder and treat it appropriately.

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